The Nightshirt Sightings, Portents, Forebodings, Suspicions

Category “Uncategorized”

Time’s Taboos: Dirty Thoughts on Systems, Syntropy, and Psi

Thursday, 16 July, 2015

Classical physics, with its totally determinative, forward-in-time, billiard-ball causation, requires sweeping anomalies like psi under the rug, not to mention resigning ourselves to an absence of higher meaning and direction in the universe. Even the local islands of order allowed within the framework of dynamical systems theory that emerged in the middle of the last […]

Unknown Unknowns: Psi, Association & the Physics of Information

Sunday, 5 July, 2015

I have always been skeptical of parapsychologists, because their experiments and their theories borrow the standard concepts of space and time dimensions from physics. These concepts seem obsolete to me. They are not appropriate for understanding telepathy, or the moving of objects at a distance, or ghosts, or Melchizedek. I have always been struck also […]

Feeding the Psi God: Precognitive Dreaming, Memory, and Ritual

Wednesday, 6 May, 2015

I’ve mentioned several times the debt I owe to J.W. Dunne and his 1927 book An Experiment with Time. Dunne was not a scientific researcher or a parapsychologist by training, but a military man and aeronautical engineer who became interested in questions of time and its structure after becoming aware of uncanny examples of apparent […]

Psi, the Enjoyment Body, and the Electric Power of Yes

Monday, 27 April, 2015

Like many people, I am fascinated by synchronicities that occur in my life, and I even see them as signposts on my life’s path. Yet the “nuts and bolts” side of me agrees with Arthur Koestler in his wonderful 1972 survey of ESP research, The Roots of Coincidence: Carl Jung’s theory of synchronicity is a […]

No Visitors: A Non-Silly ETH for Our Silly Times

Saturday, 25 April, 2015

“At present, utilizing the principal of parsimony, my ‘investigative assumption’ is … that we are dealing with extraterrestrial visitations as the central core of the problem.” Jim Lorenzen “The evidence is overwhelming that the Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from off the Earth.” Stanton Friedman “I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and […]

Prophecies, Time Loops, and Bubble Realities: La Jetée and The Sacrifice

Wednesday, 22 April, 2015

If precognition is real, then we have to take account of the range of sci-fi effects it would produce, effects that go beyond the strictly ‘prophetic.’ Because we fail to see how our consciousness is receptive to the future and how our actions contribute to, and only in a minority of cases confirm, that future, […]

Trauma Displaced in Time: Premonition, Synchronicity, and Enjoyment

Saturday, 28 March, 2015

On the morning of September 11, 2001, my alarm awoke me around 6:30AM and I did what I always try to do before dragging myself from bed: I rolled over, grabbed my notebook and pen, and jotted notes on whatever dream images I could recall from the night before. That morning I noted dreaming about […]

The Rashomon Brain: Hunting Duck/Rabbits, Seeing Multiple Realities

Sunday, 1 March, 2015

“A man walks along the beach and unfortunately gets hit in the head by a coconut. His head unfortunately cracks open in two halves. Then his wife comes along the beach singing a song and sees the 2 halves and recognizes them and picks them up. She gets very sad of course and cries heart […]

The Passion of Einstein: Light, Spacetime, and the Holy Grail

Sunday, 8 February, 2015

In David Lindsay’s bizarre Gnostic allegory A Voyage to Arcturus, space travel is accomplished by means of “back light”—light rays that strive to return to their origin. A bottle of back light gathered through a telescope aimed at Arcturus is used to pull a small ship and its passengers from an observatory in Scotland up […]

UFOs and Animals

Monday, 21 October, 2013

Mac Tonnies, a UFO lover and a cat lover, saw a connection between how UFOs behave and how we behave around our animals. He noted that UFOs behave an awful lot like laser pointers, and their effect on us is similar to our toys’ effect on our pets. I couldn’t help thinking of this last […]