The Nightshirt Sightings, Portents, Forebodings, Suspicions

Category “Thought Experiments”

Phil Dick Boulevard: Precognition, Karma, and the Unconscious

Saturday, 30 January, 2016

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. — Carl Jung The future is more coherent than the present, more animate and purposeful, and in a real sense, wiser. It knows more, and some of this knowledge gets transmitted back to us by what seems to […]

The Phil Dick Circuit and the Future of Precognitive Technology

Thursday, 3 December, 2015

Much of the skepticism surrounding quantum neuroscience is that its aim is generally to explain consciousness—a tall, confused, and some would say impossibly misguided order. Quantum explanations for consciousness invariably require large-scale coherence—that is, entanglement—across the whole brain or at least between large populations of neurons. Quantum wet blankets point out that this can only […]

Quantum Psychoanalysis: Interpreting Precognitive Dreams

Monday, 16 November, 2015

Near the end of Christopher Nolan’s 2014 film Interstellar, astronaut “Coop” is able to communicate with his younger self (as well as his daughter) decades in the past using a tesseract, a theoretical multidimensional portal created by our descendents thousands or millions of years in the future. Coop’s messages are oblique—he can’t address his younger […]

Altered States of Reading (Part 1): VALIS, Vallee, and Vaal

Saturday, 5 September, 2015

Where to begin when the story is a loop? I have been mulling over a particularly rich and thought provoking entry from Jacques Vallee’s journals (Forbidden Science, Volume Two), about a synchronistic walk he took one day in October, 1973 with Hal Puthoff, head of the Stanford Research Institute program researching ESP. Vallee was telling […]

What Lies Under the Skin?—Psi and the Physics of Indeterminacy

Tuesday, 28 July, 2015

I have suggested in previous posts that psi may operate not directly on actual reality, but on the unactualized quantum potential of superposed states prior to physical observation, or what for convenience I call the “Not Yet.” I don’t know if this is a widely held interpretation, although quantum mechanics is felt by many theorists […]

Time’s Taboos: Dirty Thoughts on Systems, Syntropy, and Psi

Thursday, 16 July, 2015

Classical physics, with its totally determinative, forward-in-time, billiard-ball causation, requires sweeping anomalies like psi under the rug, not to mention resigning ourselves to an absence of higher meaning and direction in the universe. Even the local islands of order allowed within the framework of dynamical systems theory that emerged in the middle of the last […]

Martian Holocausts, Cosmic Paranoia, and the Surveillance Universe

Saturday, 6 June, 2015

Ever since the Viking orbiters photographed a curiously face-like mountain and oddly pyramidal features in the Cydonia Mensae region of Mars in 1976, many have liked to speculate that the Red Planet was once inhabited, either by human settlers in the distant past—the argument made by Richard Hoagland—or by an indigenous civilization that flourished many […]

Prophecies, Time Loops, and Bubble Realities: La Jetée and The Sacrifice

Wednesday, 22 April, 2015

If precognition is real, then we have to take account of the range of sci-fi effects it would produce, effects that go beyond the strictly ‘prophetic.’ Because we fail to see how our consciousness is receptive to the future and how our actions contribute to, and only in a minority of cases confirm, that future, […]

Coincidence, Chaos, & Archetypes in Our Science-Fictional World

Tuesday, 14 April, 2015

You don’t have to be a hardheaded materialist skeptic or an atheist to be troubled by the idea of synchronicity. The fundamental mystery—or really, outrage—of synchronicities is they seem arranged, stage managed, in a way that is impossible without imagining an active higher intelligence taking interest in guiding us and arranging the events of the […]

Trauma Displaced in Time: Premonition, Synchronicity, and Enjoyment

Saturday, 28 March, 2015

On the morning of September 11, 2001, my alarm awoke me around 6:30AM and I did what I always try to do before dragging myself from bed: I rolled over, grabbed my notebook and pen, and jotted notes on whatever dream images I could recall from the night before. That morning I noted dreaming about […]