The Ancient Art of Memory & the Modern Science of Dreaming
Check out my essay on dreaming and the ancient art of memory (hint: they operate on the same principles), the lead article in this month’s special issue of New Dawn magazine.
You can also read the essay with its graphics by downloading a copy of Special Issue Vol 10 No 4 (PDF version) for US$5.95. The issue also contains articles by Bernardo Kastrup, Ervin Laszlo & Kingsley L. Dennis, Michael Grosso, Micah Hanks, and many others.
A nice article, Eric, but – a book you’re writing now would be even nicer (and certainly bigger), wouldn’t it? So, can you share some info about this large creative project of yours? How would you call your treatrise? What the contents, topics etc. of it will be? For how long should your potential readers wait? I’m curious…